Mercury out of Retrograde, Jupiter into Taurus
This is an abbreviated version of my weekly update that is on my YouTube channel, you can find that video posted here.
This week there is a lot going on in the skies, but here I want to highlight the two major events that I believe are affecting the majority of my clients and the collective.
On Sunday/Monday, May 14th and 15th respectively, depending on your timezone, Mercury finally moved direct in Taurus. It has been retrograde for several weeks now but as mentioned in my Intro to Retrograde video, this energy has been upon us for much longer than the actual retrograde start date. This has particularly focused on revamping money, and values as Taurus is focused on those energies. Values can cover a lot of topics so for instance, family, relationships, and connections, along with material things like money and jobs. During this retrograde season, I saw a lot of breakdowns across my clients as we also got hit with a Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on the 5th. Scorpio rules transformation and rebirth, this played out differently for each person but in short- it forced us to look at what we’ve been ignoring that needed to be released. Pair that with miscommunication and misunderstandings, this was some especially volatile energy that cause a lot of fo disruptions. Many people I know either personally or professionally were feeling extreme, heightened anxiety for some specific but also general reasons. Everyone was counting down to the Mercury Direct day, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we aren’t fully out of the woods yet here. Yes, Mercury went direct as I mentioned but we will still be feeling this energy until June 1st, so don’t be surprised if a few more things pop up that need to be revisited.
Now onto the good news! Jupiter moved out of Aries and into Taurus today, as I am writing this on the 16th. Being highly sensitive to particular astrology(some hit hard and some don’t even phase me), this morning when I woke up it felt like a great burden had been released. It feels like a storm has passed over and now the sun is out drying things off and birds are singing. The heaviness has dissipated, at least for now. What does Jupiter in Taurus mean? I recommend again looking at my weekly video but in short- this is VERY good energy. No matter who you are or how it shows up in your personal chart, this particular energy is beneficial. Jupiter is an expander, so it makes everything bigger. In Taurus, it is happy but also Taurus is a luxury sign. This brings in a desire for feeling good, this could look like indulgent eating, being lazy, having some self-care time, or feeling sensual. Taurus also handles values and money so it is highly likely during this time for many people to benefit in careers or finances. Taurus will be in this sign for around a year and we can lap up the lavish energy of it.
Check out my YouTube for more details, I post weekly videos about astrology but so much more!
As a reminder I am not an astrologer but a student of- I am learning.
And all these details are short and summarised- there is a lot more to these energies than what I’ve mentioned.